custom gates

Every fence needs a gate. Gates provide security, accessibility, aesthetic value and more to a fencing installation, making them an important feature when it comes to customization, placement and upkeep.

Not only is Greeson’s Fencing in Oklahoma City your premier provider of fencing solutions, we’re also the final word on custom gates in Oklahoma City. We work to ensure every great fence has a quality gate attached to it.

Gating Factors to Consider

There are many factors that go into a well-designed gating solution. The size of the entrance, latch mechanism, decoration, opening direction and more are all contributors to how a gate will function and what the requirements of a specific gate design will be.

When designing gates in Oklahoma City, our team takes all of these factors into account, as well as your preferences and the overall design of your fence, to ensure we’re producing a gating solution that’s ideal. We go above and beyond to make sure our work is beautiful, functional and alluring.

Customized Considerations

Will your gate be tasked with keeping out curious kids? Will it stand as more of a decorative piece in your overall fencing design? Is it purely an access point? Whatever role your gate will play in the overall scope of your fencing, we’re ready to accommodate it. From how it’s hung to the type of latch mechanism installed, we customize all considerations to meet the unique application of your specific gate.

Expert Installation and Repair

When your gate is ready to be installed or needs to be serviced, make Greeson’s Fencing, Oklahoma City your first call. We’re gating experts with the ability to seamlessly provide results—whether the gate is a finishing touch on your new fence or you’re repairing one that’s been in use for decades.

Contact us for your OKC fencing project!



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